Why Now?

It’s a little hard to say. Why ever?

I’ll be the first to admit it’s strange being a young, married woman online.

For a long time I said that I didn’t need a blog because I didn’t have anything original to add to discourse. If I say something, at least it’s new, if not original. There’s still lots of merit to something new.

Other spaces have seemed a little small, showy, biting, consuming. I write things all the time, but not in a very rewarding, relieving, revealing way. This is still framed in the idea of reacting to something. It assumes my thoughts are responsive.

I hope that this will feel different for me. No pressure. Reflecting on anything I like. Giving my mind some space to breathe.

My life, as I’m sure yours is, has been really frenetic the last three years. I haven’t stopped to catch a breath until this past autumn. The air filling me up is still searing, hard, fresh. I’m proud to say that I’m finding a much better pace for myself to live healthily. My mind is getting a lot clearer where I can take a beat and pause, maybe ask you, and really ask myself,

what do you think about?


Now read this

A Monday morning in Brooklyn

I went to bed early enough after reading that I was actually well rested when I woke. One of the cats was batting at my feet under the covers, gripping the sides of my toes, gentle enough that no claws dug in. I jumped into my jeans and... Continue →