Why do I still act like Twitter is my diary?
I got a Twitter account in early 2009, and I was still in high school. It was my second social media account, a secret one, in an era where I was blogging on a Flickr account via 365 day challenges, when I’d recall my Livejournal and Neopets accounts every few months (sorry Bruce the penguin), and my communication lifeblood was still AIM chatting on my emo handle and meticulously designing away messages posted by my moody numberless username to feature the perfect background text highlight, font, spacing, and ASCII art.
There are so many opportunities and things my parents did right, and they kept their eyes on the prize helping my sister and I get to college and get scholarships. I got full tuition covered at a SUNY school and am fortunate I had minimal debt from room and board, from a time where I was still developing financial literacy (I got my checking book at 16 and went to...